Robin Roberts, the Good Morning America host probably best known for her public struggles with cancer and bone marrow disease, came out today in a Facebook post.

Although Roberts has been very open about her health problems since her 2007 breast cancer diagnosis (and her 2012 diagnosis of myelodisplastic syndrome), she has long kept other aspects of her personal life, well, personal. But today she opened up, at least a little bit.

Her coming out was occasioned by an important anniversary: it's been exactly a year since her hundredth day post-bone marrow transplant, which was both a major milestone and the first time her dog was able to come home since the surgery. Under a picture of her on that day with the (adorable) dog, she wrote a note to all those who helped her through it all. Nestled among many other thanks, she wrote today, "I am grateful for my entire family, my long time girlfriend, Amber, and friends as we prepare to celebrate a glorious new year together."

Roberts's sexuality has long been a bit of an open secret, so her no-big-deal public disclosure on a no-big-deal platform is presumably no big deal. But big deal or not, it's going to be talked about. (And all the relevant media are going to be annoyed that they have to go to the trouble of rearranging their stories of celebrities who came out in 2013.)

Her network agrees about the bigness of the deal. In a statement today, ABC News said, "We love Robin and Amber, who we have all known for a long time. We were so touched by Robin's Facebook message today and so thankful for all the loving support she has in her life."

[image via Getty]