To win the "Blurred Lines" copyright trial against Marvin Gaye's children, sad pop star Robin Thicke is digging a very deep hole to bury his career in. This week's revelation? He once looked Oprah right in her beautiful, trusting face and lied.

In 2013, Thicke, Pharrell and T.I. preemptively sued Gaye's children to force a court to decide whether their smash hit "Blurred Lines" technically infringes on Gaye's classic 1977 song, "Got to Give It Up."‎

So far, Thicke's strategy has been to desperately attempt to distance himself from the song, claiming under oath that he's a liar who should never have been credited because he was too wacked out on Vicodin to actually participate in the songwriting process.

And this month, the second-rate James Frey reportedly testified that he "lied to Oprah when he told her half of his music was inspired by Gaye."

But one thing he's definitely not lying about, nope, no way, nothing to see here? His personal liability in the case. Via the LA Times:

Richard Busch, an attorney representing Gaye's children, asked Thicke if he changed his story after he learned of the copyright claim.

"‎Absolutely not," the performer replied.

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