Romantic First Date Ends with Man Carjacking Woman at Gunpoint

A Florida woman who celebrated her 21st birthday last week by going out with a man she met through a series of texts ended up getting carjacked by her date following a romantic walk on the beach.
Nimeha Milien says she hadn't met 19-year-old Donald McGee Jr. of Hollywood before they went out for the first time last Friday evening, but the two had texted back and forth several times prior to their date.
According to Milien, McGee was a perfect gentleman — right up until the carjacking, that is.
The two spent some time walking and talking at Ocean Inlet Park in Palm Beach County, before ending the night in the parking lot of a Wendy's on Boynton Beach Boulevard.
After telling Milien he was waiting for his brother to come pick him up, McGee suddenly produced a .380-caliber Kel Tec handgun and pointed it at the woman's face.
McGee then ordered Milien out of the car, and proceeded to drive away.
Milien ran to a nearby gas station and asked a patron to phone 911.
Boynton Beach police officers pursued McGee for some eight miles along Interstate 95 before he lost control of the car and ended up by the side of the road.
After a brief attempt to flee, McGee was arrested and charged with armed carjacking, robbery with a firearm, possession of marijuana, driving without a license, and fleeing police.
He reportedly told the cops he needed to "get out of the area," but wouldn't elaborate.
As for Milien, she says she's done with dating for a while, but is mostly just happy to be alive.
"I'm glad that I'm alive to be able to see my 21st birthday because I want to be able to make a difference in this world," she told WPBF News. "If I had died on that night, I wouldn't have done anything."
[H/T: Guyism, mug shot via Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office]