Yesterday, a baby was given the official go-ahead to serve as the Supreme Governor of the Church of England in the event his great-grandmother, grandfather, and father all suddenly cease to be. That's frightening! Thankfully there was a photographer on hand to document this weird occasion.

These are Prince George's christening pictures.

The best of the set is the shot above, featuring Prince George, Kate Middleton, and a man they know. The image was evidently captured in the private pizza parlor area of St. James' Palace, for how else to explain the unmade lump of pizza dough that has flopped so lazily onto Kate Middleton's head? Happily, Kate doesn't seem to mind; as you can see, she is in the heavy throes of twilight sleep and feeling no pain. A vision in cream Alexander McQueen, her dreamy gaze seems to say "Hello. Is this my baby?" Molto bene!

Next up, we have a full family shot, featuring the Queen and Prince Philip, both sets of grandparents, and all three of Kate and William's siblings. Prince George wears a lace and satin replica of a gown created in 1841 for the christening of Queen Victoria's eldest daughter, Victoria. Prince Philip wears a grimace.

For the next picture, all superfluous Middletons, with their rough hangman's manners, have been eliminated. In another era, they would have been jailed for creeping into the palace to lay hands on its furnishings. It's fun to remember, thinks Kate in a daze, as her zonked-out mind continues its psychedelic somersault back through the annals of history. What a shame no one could come with. Kate smiles for the camera, hoping to re-meet her family in the future. She feels nostalgic for never.

Finally, a shot of the only people who matter: a tiny baby, a very old woman, a fairly old man, and a guy. Someone should have moved the pocketbook.

[Images via Jason Bell/Camera Press]