A Minnesota man selected as a delegate for Bernie Sanders on Saturday was asked to withdraw just one day later when it was discovered he caught a felony drug rap earlier this year, Politico reports.

According to total narcs at the Independent Journal Review, 22-year-old John Dillon Wood Neitge was arrested in March after allegedly selling two hits of acid and two ounces of marijuana to an undercover cop. Police say Neitge described the acid as “good” and the marijuana as “really good.” From Politico:

After the deal the officers followed Neitge to his home where they reported discovering multiple grams of methamphetamine. Neitge was arrested on multiple felony charges.

Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party communications director Rachel Boyer said that after news surfaced of Neitge’s arrest, he was asked to step down as a delegate by the Sanders campaign.

“John Neitge was asked to step down from his delegate spot by the Sanders campaign and he agreed to do so,” Boyer, who also sounds like a narc, told IJR. “He is no longer a member of the Minnesota delegation.”
