Sanders Supporter And His Mom Wait Hours for Trump Rally Only to Get Tossed for Wearing a "Bernie" Pin

In Burlington, Vermont, on Thursday, the Donald Trump campaign ejecting anyone who would not explicitly proclaim themselves a Trump supporter—including ticket holders like Tim Farr and his mother. “Bernie would let a Trump supporter into his event,” Farr claimed. “Bernie would listen to the opposition.”
Trump staff asking if you're a Trump supporter at the door. If no? Turned away. Tim Farr was one. (Vid 1/2)
— Katy Tur (@KatyTurNBC) January 7, 2016
Farr told NBC New’s Katy Tur that he and his mother actually made it into the rally, after waiting on line since 10 o’clock in the morning, but were ejected after security noticed their Bernie Sanders pins, despite holding tickets. They weren’t even there to protest, he said.
They’re not the only ones. According to the Burlington Free Press, Trump staffers are asking people at the door if they support the billionaire businessman from Queens. “We have more than 20,000 people that showed up for 1,400 spots,” Trump said in a statement. “I’m taking care of my people, not people who don’t want to vote for me or are undecided. They are loyal to me, and I am loyal to them.”
Tim Farr (2/2) #
— Katy Tur (@KatyTurNBC) January 7, 2016
As it turns out, the campaign is within its legal right to do. “They have the right to say who’s trespassing in violation of their lease agreement, so when people are asked to leave, police escort them out,” Burlington Police Chief Brandon del Pozo told the Free Press, adding that campaigns remove people they deem unwelcome “all the time.”
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