Photo: AP

Yesterday, Sean Hannity pressed Ted Cruz on the question of his very strategic and effective gaming of the delegate system. Cruz, who basically only made it to the U.S. Senate by exploiting gaps in election laws, didn’t respond well.

“You’re hoping to get to a second ballot. In other words, in a second ballot people that support Donald Trump or John Kasich or Marco Rubio, if those delegates are still relevant, can then switch their votes,” Hannity said. “So you’re in a process of talking to delegates, and it seems to be very extensive. Could you explain to people what’s going on?”

Cruz deflected: “Sean, with all respect, that’s not what people are concerned about...The media loves to obsess about process. This process and this whining from the Trump campaign is all silly. It’s very, very simple—”

At this point, Hannity interrupted. Politico transcribed the tense exchange that followed:

“It’s more than a process question,” Hannity said. “It’s an integrity of the election question, and everybody’s asking me this question so I’m giving you an opportunity to explain it.”

A lightly chuckling Cruz said only hardcore Trump supporters would ask such a question.

“Why do you do this?” Hannity said, raising his voice. “Every single time I — no, you gotta stop. Every time I have you on the air and I ask a legitimate question, you try to throw this in my face. I’m getting sick of it. I’ve had you on more than any other candidate on radio and TV. So if I ask you, senator, a legitimate question to explain to the audience, why don’t you just answer it?”

“I cannot help that the Donald Trump campaign is incapable of running a lemonade stand,” Cruz said. “My focus is on jobs, freedom and security, not this incessant whining from the other side. If you lose, don’t cry about it. Go back and learn how to win an election.”
