"Serial Stowaway" Hero Sneaks Her Way Into Sweet Island Resort

Free flight enthusiast and "serial stowaway" Marilyn Hartman has reached a new peak of sneakiness: She was arrested by police Monday on Amelia Island, Fla. after talking her way into a villa at the Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort. She was busted after the room's actual guests tried to check in.
According to the Washington Post, Hartman, 63, told police she finessed her way onto a flight from Minnesota to Jacksonville, where she then apparently finagled a trip in a van heading to the resort, about 30 miles away. After arriving at the resort, CNN reports, Hartman checked in using her real name and paid with her own credit card. When the villa's scheduled guests arrived, Hartman apparently fled, and was found Monday hiding out in another room in the resort that was being renovated.
In Hartman's defense, this is the resort she snuck into:

Like, goddamn:

This is hardly Hartman's first run-in with authorities for her flight-hopping antics: she was arrested by police seven times last year trying to sneak her way onto flights at SFO. For this latest incident, she's been charged by police with fraud/impersonation, defrauding an innkeeper, and trespassing.