Kanye West is not known for being able to take a joke—although some of that might be due to the Fishsticks episode of South Park—but he loved James Franco and Seth Rogen's Bound 2 parody video. In fact, he loved it so much that he invited Rogen into a limo van where performed his entire unreleased album.

Per a new Rolling Stone feature on Rogen:

Shortly after his and James Franco's parody of the rapper's "Bound 2" video — "Bound 3," in which [Rogen] played the role of topless Kim Kardashian —West cornered Rogen at a New York hotel and invited him to his limo van for a listening session with a twist. "There's no lyrics, only beats," Rogen said. "So he raps the whole album, and after each song, he stops it, like, 'So what do you think?' We were in the van for two hours!"

Rogen is one of a select few to have heard the followup to Yeezus, which Kanye originally planned to release this fall. Theophilus London, whose album was produced by Kanye, claims to have heard the new Yeezy at Paris Fashion Week.

"So shortly after this picture I Only remember kanye playing his new album 3 times in a dark room of 20 people last night and moshing drunk with mad babes haha," he wrote on Instagram three months ago.

He also claims the record—which still doesn't have a release date—has changed a lot since then, so it's unclear how much of what Rogen heard will ever see the light of day. That only makes the time they probably hotboxed a limo van together (Rogen didn't actually say that, but he's also Seth Rogen) that much more special.

[h/t Vulture]