Guccifer has struck again. After hacking Candace Bushnell, the author who created Sex and the City, the conspiracy-loving hacker tweeted, from her official account, the first 50 pages of Bushnell's new novel—and then screenshots of her frantic emails trying to take the book down.

At 2:12 p.m. yesterday, Bushnell's official Twitter account tweeted out a link: "Here you can read my last book 'killing monica' first 50 pages; enjoy as long as you can!" (All sic.) The tweet linked to a Google Drive filled with screenshots from an email Bushnell had sent her publisher, containing the first 38,000 words of her new book, Killing Monica, as well as a handful of (boring) personal photos and emails.

But he (or she) wasn't done yet. Guccifer, who still had access to Bushnell's email, kept adding files to the Google Drive—screenshots of her desperate emails to her agents trying to get the tweet taken down ("my husband thinks you can cancel a tweet"):

The tweet's gone, but the Google Drive is still up—you can visit here, before it gets taken down. As for the book, well: It's Bushnell.

[image via AP]