Yesterday, TMZ posted pictures of Rob Kardashian looking bigger than ever at LAX, en route to his sister Kim's wedding. This quickly became a trending topic on Twitter, where the discussion went something like: "lol fat" times infinity.

I get why people are looking and reacting: It's against the rules for a celebrity to be obese (especially a celebrity famous for looks, or at least famous by association to sisters who are famous for their looks). Also, people like the before-and-after pictures effect in part because it's like you're learning something just by looking at pictures: Rob Kardashian is very, very fat now. Even if you've been paying attention to his weight gain over the past year or so, that's something you didn't know last week, and you barely had to read a word to find it out.

Kardashian responded to the chatter this morning on Twitter. His tweets are tonally obscure: They're kind of funny, biting, messy, and really sad. Through them he went from fat Kardashian to fat person.

Our society treats fat people like shit. Being a target for ridicule doesn't make people prettier; if anything it makes them more depressed. A lot of people eat when they're depressed. Eating makes a lot of people gain weight.

Here's some recent gossip regarding Kardashian's weight gain and depression:

From People:

A source close to the family says that the reality star and creator of the Arthur George sock line "hasn't been happy lately," noting that Rob, who struggled with weight gain on the show, "still doesn't like the way he looks."

From The Star (via Daily Mail):

A source told the publication: "Rob is fatter than ever, and Kris finally flat out told him he's an embarrassment to the family.

"She called him a fat slob and said he's losing out on business opportunities because no one wants someone as huge as him representing their products.'"

And his sisters are alleged to be supporting Kris' position: 'They're embarrassed to be photographed with him and bully him for being fat.'

So shut the fuck up about Rob Kardashian's weight gain. It doesn't help anyone.