Sienna Miller on Friday confirmed the brief existence of what may have been the most beautiful affair of all time. Yes, it's true: she and Daniel Craig were, for a short time, getting it on.

We know it's not a lie, because Miller told her story under oath: she was testifying (via video link from New Orleans) in the ongoing News of the World phone-hacking trial in London. She was discussing an apparently saucy but allegedly innocent phone message she left for Craig that was intercepted by the defunct British tabloid. The message Miller left was short, saying, ''Hi. It's me. Can't speak. I'm at the Groucho with Jude. I love you.''

News of the World, of course, took the message and ran with it, publishing a story on Miller and Craig's apparent affair. But those three words, Miller testified, weren't meant in the romantic sense. "I've always ended my phone calls to Daniel saying 'I love you,'" she said. So far, so tabloid.

But then Miller confessed the rag was more right than she'd let on. Although she maintains the message in question was innocent friend stuff, their relationship at the time wasn't always so platonic. In fact, the Rupert Murdoch-owned paper was more right than skeptics probably believed: its story, testified Miller, was published ''at a time when we had been briefly involved.'"

[images via Getty]