Six Children Knock Back Booze-Filled Drinks at Joe's Crab Shack

At Joe's Crab Shack, where your cousin brought you once and swears isn't always that gross, you can order a Shark Bite or a Shark Nibble. They sound similar—and in a busy restaurant, one could easily be confused for the other—but they are actually different! One (the Bite) contains alcohol; the other (the Nibble) does not. Someone got confused serving a table of children aged two to eight at a Joe's Crab Shack last Wednesday in Colorado Springs.
According to KKTV, a table of six kids were accidentally served Shark Bites (instead of Shark Nibbles) containing Bacardi Limon Rum, Skyy Vodka, blue curacao, and according to the menu, "a dangerous dose of grenadine." About 30 minutes after serving the kids the drinks, the Montoya family's server returned to their table dismayed.
"Then the managers actually came back with the tray of drinks and then let us know that they had accidentally poured alcohol into our kids' beverages," Omar Montoya, told KKTV. "[The manager] said it was 'mislabeled' and we were a little bit concerned with that kind of response."
A two-year-old had apparently downed her entire drink; another kid starting feeling sick and was taken to the hospital where they were cleared. Joe's Crab Shack released the following statement to KKTV:
Joe's Crab Shack is aware of this incident at the Colorado Springs Location, and we are investigating this matter internally. We do not condone underage service of any kind. Our guests can rest assured that our processes are continuously examined so that incidents like this are avoided.