Skeleton Decked Out in Brooklyn Nets Gear Found in Prospect Park

While jogging in Prospect Park yesterday, Kate Steciw came across the deathly tableau above sitting behind a wrought-iron fence. Grisly murder scene? Late funeral party for the Nets' 2014 playoffs performance? Some Pratt undergrad's dumb art project? (Probably.)
The scene: a skeleton in a Brooklyn Nets hat, white t-shirt, black shorts, and what look like lab goggles; an American flag; four pieces of flowery, sentimental wall art of the kind you'd see hanging at your grandma's or for sale at a suburban Salvation Army.
Americana... Death... Brooklyn.... What does it all mean?
"I took a picture of it and then I got a queasy feeling, because it looked so, so real," Steciw told NBC. Then she called the police. Officers removed the installation, and will test the skeleton to see whether it is indeed made of human bones. The NYPD does not believe it constitutes a crime scene, NBC reports.
What's the takeaway here? Don't go to Prospect Park, maybe. There are skeletons, there are tarantulas, there are 18-foot weeds. Green-Wood Cemetery, just blocks south of the park, makes a safe alternative for a picnic or frisbee toss. At least those dead people stay in the ground.