Someone Free This Poor Dog From Her Indentured Servitude as a Meme

You might not have realized, but you probably know Bailey, the five-year-old golden retriever that has captured the heart of millions of dad's Microsoft Outlook desktop apps. She is the star of the ever-popular "I have no idea what I'm doing" image macro meme. A new cache of fresh macros have hit the web, the Daily Dot reports, and it's high time we reassess the situation clearly at hand here: this poor dog has been enslaved to forever toil as an internet meme. We all need to be part of the solution. Free "I Have No Idea What I'm Doing" Dog.
While the Daily Dot has collected the new macros from Imgur, there has been live documentation of Bailey's life working in the meme mine on her owner's Instagram, @goldenretrieverbailey (trigger warning for those who feel uneasy at the sight of an adorable golden being forced to wear goofy getups). With more than 4,000 followers as of this post's composition, it's shocking to this blogger's eye that no one else has spoken up. I mean, look at this:
[There was a video here]
And this:

Good God...

Jesus, this is sick...

Our collective silence stops now. Don't let Bailey be further branded and memed.