Sorority Email Writer Resigns, Guilty of Caring Too Much

Delta Gamma is once again a safe space for boners. One week after a foul-mouthed crash course in social etiquette put the sorority on the GODDAMN FUCKING map, Delta Gamma brass have decided that the now infamous University of Maryland email was HORRIBLE, I repeat, HORRIBLE PR FOR THAT CHAPTER. They've just accepted the resignation of its author.
A post on the sorority's official Facebook page referred to the email as "highly inappropriate and unacceptable," adding that it "should not be depicted in any way as standard or routine," because normally Delta Gamma girls are free to literally be so fucking awkward at Greek Week events (and, boy, are they) with impunity.
What the world holds next for the junior who wrote the email is unknown. The only thing we can say for certain is that her enthusiastic management skills ensure she will be infinitely more successful than the "stupid cocks" she now leaves behind.
Here's the sorority's official statement:
Delta Gamma has accepted the resignation of one of its members whose email relating to a social event has been widely distributed and publicized through social media and traditional media channels.
The tone and content of the email was highly inappropriate and unacceptable by any standard.
No matter who released it to the public or how it reached such a mass audience, the email content should not reflect on any sorority woman in general or any fraternal organization at large.
This is a regrettable action by a college junior – a personal email that is now on view for a global audience. And as all reasonable people can agree, this is an email that should never have been sent by its author. Period.
This email should not be depicted in any way as standard or routine or tied to any official sorority voice. It is not an official voice or message and should not be construed as such.
For the young woman who wrote it, we can only express our regret and concerns for landing notoriety in this manner.
We now consider this matter closed.
Though by official edict the matter is now closed, the controversy it stirred will divide the sisterhood for generations to come (in the comments section of the Facebook post).
I am very sorry to say that I completelyl [sic] disagree with you, Cindy. I do not know a DG that would EVER write anything so vile and reprehensible. She sounded like an uneducated man, not a refined educated, cream of the crop lady, that Delta Gammas have been for decades.
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