Sorority Girls Battle Stereotype That Sorority Girls Are Self-Aware

Attention, society: Please consider this Facebook photography project conceived by Ohio University’s Delta Gamma sorority called “Defying Stereotypes.” The project, featuring black and white photos of sisters standing next to handwritten statements of defiance, seeks to do just that. Does it succeed?


Not really.
At best, the project illustrates that the Delta Gammas have been mishearing what society has been saying about them. Does “society say” that sorority girls don’t get internships in New York City?

The sisters seem similarly confused about how best to deny the mean rumors society is supposedly spreading about them. The second part of this sentence doesn’t negate the first:

What does this even mean?

This just seems like a lie.

What the Delta Gammas have shown society with this project is that they don’t have a lot of original ideas.
H/t Daily Dot. Photos via Facebook. Contact the author at