Source: Former PA Governor Says NYC Is Hot Trash, Philly Rules

According to sources who spoke with the New York Post, former Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell is not fucking around when it comes to winning a bid for the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Instead of making a convincing argument for his city, he's allegedly dragging New York City, his loud upstairs neighbor, through the mud.
The source claims that Rendell, who is also the former mayor of Philadelphia, has sent articles to the Democratic National Committee that reveal New York City's dirty, disgusting underside: from sweltering hot subway cars to an infestation of bedbugs, this place is no fit temporary home for hundreds of upstanding politicians, Rendell reportedly said.
The former governor spoke with the Post, ignoring allegations that he'd trash-talked New York's bedbug problem, instead saying that the biggest issue with hosting the DNC at Brooklyn's Barclays Center is that delegates will get stuck in traffic:
Reached by phone, Rendell said he has been lightheartedly busting the city's chops over a potentially serious problem: transporting thousands of delegates from Manhattan to Barclays Center in Brooklyn during rush hour.
"I think that's the big weakness with New York City's bid: the hotels are in one borough, the convention's in another," he said.
While the Republican National Committee announced their 2016 convention location in July (Destination: hell!), the DNC has yet to come to any decision on theirs. With Columbus, Phoenix, and Birmingham all still in the mix, the competition remains stiff.
[Image via AP]