It's being called "perhaps the single best segment" to ever air on The Colbert Report. And with good reason, because it probably is.

In the latest installment of "People Who Are Destroying America," Stephen Colbert introduced his audience to Johnny Cummings, the openly gay mayor (and part-time hairdresser) of Vicco, Kentucky.

Both Cummings and Vicco were in the news earlier this year after passing a city-wide ordinance banning discrimination against LGBT residents, becoming the smallest city in America to do so.

In a piece that is heartwarming, hilarious, and hopeful all at once, the Report heads down to Vicco to see how the Appalachian town's "simple hillfolk" are reacting to Cummings' pro-gay policies.

Faith in humanity ensues.

[H/T: Uproxx, screengrab via The Colbert Report]