According to The New York Times, authorities in Detroit have issued a warrant for artist Shepard Fairey’s arrest, charging the outdoor graphic designer with two felony counts of malicious destruction of property.

Police say Fairey—famous for having seen They Live once and also another thing—caused over $9,000 in property damage by pasting posters to buildings during a recent visit to the city.

Having been arrested an impressive 15 times, Fairey is presumably pretty used to this sort of thing by now, but Detroit Police insist that the case will be treated like any other.

“Just because he is a well-known artist does not take away the fact that he is also a vandal,” Sgt. Rebecca McKay told the Detroit Free Press. “And that’s what we consider was done, in these instances, was vandalism.”

The charges against Fairey reportedly carry a maximum penalty of five years in prison and fines that could exceed $10,000 or 334 “Hope” posters.

[Image via AP Images]