Student Fakes Kidnapping to Distract Parents From a Failing Grade

Aftab Aslam may have failed his Georgia Gwinnett College English class (twice), but he definitely earned an A in "Faking Your Own Kidnapping, Worrying the Hell Out of Your Parents, and Wasting Police Resources: 101".
In order to take the sting out of his failing grade, police say that the 19-year-old college student first purchased a mobile phone from Target (a burner for those in the know, like Aslam) on April 24. Three days later, he texted his parents saying that their son had been kidnapped and would be killed if police were contacted.
Naturally, his parents informed police anyway, and the FBI was brought in for an "intensive investigation." But authorities were unable to locate the kidnapped-kidnapper, who allegedly lived in a tent in an open field for eight days. When the weather became cold and wet, Aslam abandoned the field (but not the pretense) and returned home telling his parents he had been drugged and held captive.
"It appears he thought the relief of his being returned would stop his parents being angry when he eventually told them about his grades," the Daily Mail reports.
Aslam now faces three felony counts for making false statements, three felony counts for tampering with evidence, and three felony counts for making terroristic threats.