A new study performed by the University of Southern California, published in the July issue of Pediatrics, revealed that young teens who send over 100 texts a day are more likely to be sexually active than their peers. The study also revealed that teens who reported to having received sexts are six times as likely to being sexually active.

The study surveyed 1,300 middle school age teens between the ages of 10 and 15 in the Los Angeles area. According to a report in EurekAlert!, the USC study revealed several interesting facts about young teenagers' sexual behavior, the most incredible of which is that teenagers are able to send over 100 texts a day. 100 texts a day!

According to EurekAlert!:

While past research has examined sexting and sexual behavior among high school-age students and young adults, the researchers were particularly interested in young teens, as past data has shown clear links between early sexual debut and risky sexual behavior, including teenage pregnancy, sex under the influence of drugs or alcohol, experience of forced sex and higher risk of sexually transmitted disease.

Teens: can't live with 'em, can't let them have a phone, can't let 'em text, can't let 'em sext, can't do anything.

[Image via AP]