Following an FBI raid on Jared “Subway Jared” Fogle’s Indiana home Tuesday, Subway appears to be subtly cutting ties with its human mascot. TMZ reports that Subway has removed pages dedicated to “Jared’s Journey” of weight loss, and to Fogle’s childhood obesity charity, from its website.

Since Fogle’s house was searched in connection with a child pornography investigation, those Jared-focused pages now redirect to Subway’s front page. You can also no longer play “Jared’s Pants Dance”—a Flash game formerly found in Subway’s kids section—unless you load up a cached version. This is probably for the best.

TMZ notes that although the more blatant Jared shrines on have been shut down, Fogle’s image hasn’t been entirely scrubbed from the website.

Update: Subway has suspended its relationship with Fogle, the AP reported Tuesday night.

[h/t TMZ, Photo:]