Lee Weir, a 27-year-old from Auckland, New Zealand, recently set the Guinness World Records title for "most tattoos of the same cartoon character tattooed on the body." Specific!

Weir, who was banned from watching The Simpsons as a child, has 41 tattoos of Homer Simpson on his body. That'll show limit-setting parents! Guinness confirms that his tattoos depict Homer in various states, including "Homer as a jack-in-the box, the Grim Reaper, in an elephant suit, as the Hulk, and even Homer as a donut."

Weir told Guinness that he spent last year alcohol-free in order to spend his money on tattoos rather than beer, a noble goal if I have ever heard one. Think of how many Simpsons tattoos we could all have if we chose to do the same!

Weir joins Cameron Gibbs, who owns the largest collection of Simpsons memorabilia at 2,580 items, in the Simpsons Fanatic area of the Guinness Book of World Records.

[images via Guinness World Records]