U.S. Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia was reportedly found dead “of natural causes” at a luxury resort in Texas on Saturday, according to The San Antonio Express-News.

Scalia’s body was reportedly found in his room when he didn’t appear for breakfast. He was on a quail hunting trip at the time at the Cibolo Creek Ranch, according to local KVIA News.

Scalia had served on the Supreme Court since he was appointed in 1986, and was 79 at the time of his death.

Update 5:42 p.m.:

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has released a statement:

As has Ted Cruz:

Update 5:48 p.m.:

According to The New York Times, Chief Justice John Roberts said, “He was an extraordinary individual and jurist, admired and treasured by his colleagues. His passing is a great loss to the Court and the country he so loyally served.”

Update 5:54 p.m.:

Donald Trump, too, has some thoughts he’d like to share.

Update 5:59 p.m.:

Of course, the illustrious Supreme Court scholars of Twitter have lots of Thoughts™ about what this means for election, who are nominees might be, and just how much the Senate is going to railroad anyone Obama tries to appoint. But so far, given the state of things, only one prediction seems at all likely:

And a fair and true Justice she shall be.

Update 6:11 p.m.:

According to Michele Bachmann (remember her?) we’ve also lost our beloved Anthony Scalia today, as well.

A very dangerous time for A. Scalias, indeed.

Contact the author at melissa.cronin@gawker.com. Image via Getty.