Taco Bell Bag Causes Lockdown at California High School
We all know Taco Bell can be bad for you (though they're reportedly working on that) but this is excessive: a high school in Sacramento, California went into lockdown after a “suspicious object” turned out to be a Taco Bell bag.
Security was heightened at Del Campo High School for just over an hour on Tuesday, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., after someone reported a “suspicious object” near the school's baseball field. After officials determined that the object was a bag from Taco Bell and not something more sinister, the lockdown was lifted. A spokesperson for the San Juan Unified School District called the school's response a “precautionary measure.”
And bad news for whatever test/snack-adverse student that (probably) reported the object: classes continued uninterrupted during the lockdown, according to school officials.
(h/t Matthew Keys/KCRA/Image via Getty)
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