Bono May Never Play Guitar Again, Says Bono

Jay Hathaway · 01/02/15 09:43AM

U2 frontman Bono, who suffered some gruesome injuries last November in a high-speed cycling accident while disguised as a hasidic Jew, kicked off 2015 with some news that will be extremely sad to you if you are Bono: Bono's broken hand and arm may not be able to play Bono's guitar ever again.

Every Rape Reported at Fraternities This Year

Allie Jones · 12/22/14 09:00AM

In 1776, the Phi Beta Kappa society was founded at the College of William and Mary for men in the "pursuit of liberal education and intellectual fellowship." Over the course of the next two centuries, Greek letter societies proliferated across the U.S. and morphed into the all-male butt-chugging clubs we know as fraternities today. This year in particular was big for frats, in that they were clearly identified as the primary arena for rape to take place on campus.

​What Are Your New Year's Resolutions?

Lacey Donohue · 01/01/14 03:01PM

New Year's resolutions are pretty much wish lists for lazy people. This might be why I love making them. The promise of a new beginning that will completely right all the wrongs of the previous year? Yes, please! Pass the pen and paper. Who's to say this isn't the year where I'll finally lose that weight, run that marathon, and get those finances under control?

2014 Is the Year of the Seven-Toed 3D Pornography Beast

Ken Layne · 01/01/14 10:00AM

On this New Year's Day in America, 2014, the nation's typists ("thought leaders") are required to use their long-dormant psychic abilities to designate the next 12 months as the Year of Something or Other, whether that be "accidental mass suicide" or "wearable automobiles" or "raccoon-sized talking spiders." Such predictions will generally be wrong, yet there is also the remote possibility that the simple act of making a prediction will cause it to happen, no matter how ridiculous or vile.

56 Things Writers Have Predicted 2014 Will Be "the Year of"

Sarah Hedgecock · 01/01/14 09:30AM

Happy new year! Now that 2013 is out of the way, it's time to get cracking on deciding the what next year is. The Year of the Winter Olympics? The Year of World Peace? Or maybe one of these 56 other options, predicted by writers all over?

Sarah Palin Might Run for Senate in 2014

Taylor Berman · 07/09/13 09:56PM

Everyone's favorite failed politician might attempt a comeback next year. In an interview with the constantly confused Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin said she was considering a run against Alaskan Senator Mark Begich, a Democrat, in the 2014 election.