
Video Shows 4chan White Supremacists Bringing Gun to Minneapolis Protest Days Before Shooting

Andy Cush · 11/24/15 01:53PM

On Thursday night, four days before unnamed gunmen shot five people at a Black Lives Matter protest in Minneapolis, video surfaced of two men driving toward ongoing demonstrations around the police shooting of Jamar Clark, one of them carrying what appears to be a handgun. “We’re going to see what these fucking dindus are up to,” one of the men says near the beginning of the video. “And yes, we are locked and loaded.”

FBI Warns Philly-Area Universities About "Beta Rebellion" Threat on 4chan

Jay Hathaway · 10/05/15 12:45PM

“Out of an abundance of caution” after the mass shooting that killed nine last week at an Oregon community college, the FBI’s Philadelphia field office has warned Philly-area universities about a threatening post made over the weekend on that crucible and/or cesspit of internet culture, 4chan.

How 4chan Trolled Two of Its Friends by Framing Them for the Oregon Mass Shooting

Jay Hathaway · 10/03/15 10:12AM

In the hours between the shooting spree at Umpqua Community College and the moment news networks were able to name Chris Harper Mercer as the alleged gunman, crowds on social media clamored for a name to fill the informational void. 4chan gave them two, both of whom turned out to be alive, and neither of whom has been named by authorities in connection with the tragedy. For a couple of hours, though, mobs on Twitter and Facebook believed these were the guys, and openly speculated about what drove them to do it.

Reddit Is So Racist White Supremacists Are Using it to Recruit

Sam Biddle · 03/13/15 11:30AM

Racism and general human toxicity have become more than a niche on Reddit: the site has made a name for itself in the larger cyber-bigot community. Racists now look at Reddit as an opportunity—a way to bring fresh hatemongers into the fold.

Ordinary Woman's Life Collides with Male Wizard Virgin Online Community

Sam Biddle · 01/09/15 03:42PM

Sometimes the world wide web functions exactly as designed, funneling information where it's requested, and expediting tasks that would've taken days in another era. Other times, a group of young men that self-describe as sexless wizards swarms your personal blog.

Chart Brut: How the MS-Paint Graphics of Conspiracy Took Over the Web

Sam Biddle · 12/02/14 09:45AM

The internet has always been a natural habitat for the paranoid and angry, but it's never been as easy to mobilize your fellow conspiracy theorists than it is today. So why does the super-sophisticated conspiracy-troll machine draw diagrams like a 1st grader?

Snapchat: Those Thousands of Leaked Nudes Are Your Fault, Not Ours

Jay Hathaway · 10/10/14 12:20PM

Thousands of Snapchat users may have had their photos compromised, and a collection of nude snaps—including, allegedly, photos of underage users—have been leaked to 4chan and elsewhere. The hack, which Snapchat acknowledged today, is being called "the Snappening."