Rich Juzwiak · 07/23/13 10:26AM

After being found near a fire she started in someone's driveway, Amanda Bynes has been hospitalized on a 5150 hold. That's an involuntary admission for mental-health evaluation. Things are either looking up or way down for her, as usual.

Britney Spears, Code Name 'The Package', Rushed To Hospital As GurneyGate 2.0 Unfolds Overnight

mollyf · 01/31/08 12:03PM

Oh dear. For those of you who actually sleep at night, you missed a whopper of an evening at the Spears household. After Britney's newly assigned psychiatrist visited her at her house in the early evening, he found her condition and recent antics so dismal, he contacted the LAPD in an attempt to have her officially committed to UCLA Medical Center — a plan that TMZ reports was "days in the making". What followed was an all-night is-she-or-isn't-she-sane frenzy, the timeline of which we've etched out for you after the jump: