
Levi's Lysergic Acid Wash

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 04/29/10 10:45AM

The trippy history of Levi's commercials has been noted here before, but this ad melds their hallucinogenic influences with a sense of existentialist despair. What is man without colorful Dacron polyester? Absolutely nothing: only denim determines identity.

Charles Bronson's Manly Domain

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 01/19/10 05:00PM

In this 1970s instance of international marketing brilliance, Charles Bronson shills Mandom's Japanese line of men's products. Bronson makes dreamily masculine eyes at the world, cooing, "all the world loves a lover", before getting shirtless for a narcissistic cowboy fantasy.

One More Thing: Greatest Summer Movies of the 70s

ian spiegelman · 06/22/08 05:36PM

Well, if you played or payed attention to last night's installment of OMT, you knew this was coming. What are the most awesome movies of the 1970s that take place in, came out in, or just make you think of the summer? I'll get the world's first-ever summer blockbuster out of the way with its amazing original theatrical trailer.