The '90210' Approach to Lunch: Eat Nothing, Then Throw It Away

Kyle Buchanan · 09/24/08 12:45PM

With the low weight of its lead actresses firmly on everyone's mind, you'd think producers of the new 90210 would be a little more vigilant when it comes to eating scenes on their show, placing a thick, juicy hamburger in the hands of Shenae Grimes and allowing Jessica Stroup to update Silver's blog with a basket of hot wings alongside her laptop. Last night's episode, however, only added more fuel to the ravenous fire. When the much-scrutinized actresses sat down to lunch in the school cafeteria, neither ate a single thing on their plates (the only food consumed was a measly two fries by interloper Naomi). Then, with her meal still visibly untouched, Stroup's character rose up at the end of lunch to throw her tray away. At least take your leftover salad to the women's shelter, Silver! Gosh, do we have to write all the plotlines around here? [The CW]

'90210,' Here's a Double Cheeseburger. XOXO, Penn Badgley of 'Gossip Girl'

Kyle Buchanan · 09/18/08 06:25PM

Now that the all-consuming "Who's the daddy?" question has been dealt with, 90210 watchers are finally forced to find other matters of interest, and there is no issue more talked-about right now than the weight of the show's lead actresses. No, we're not talking about Shannen Doherty and Jennie Garth (and we're still not talking about you, Tori): we're talkin' "Brenda 2.0" Shenae Grimes and Jessica Stroup, who plays blog maven Silver. According to Us Weekly, the two are rarely seen eating, and even actor Penn Badgley from network rival Gossip Girl has weighed in on the girls' too-thin figures (firing a shot across the bow at Los Angeles in the process):

Check Yourself, Shenae Grimes

Mark Graham · 09/17/08 05:55PM

Before the first show of the 90210 reboot even aired, Intrepid Defamer Videographer™ Molly McAleer went on record giving her full support to series star Shenae Grimes (aka, Brenda 2.0). But news that Shenae is beginning to transform into Shannen Doherty 2.0 has got this long time Degrassi fan worried. In tonight's installment of To Dos, Molls confesses to being concerned that Shenae's already letting the show's early success go to her head.· Cat Power at the Hollywood Bowl. · Janet Jackson at the Staples Center. · Jon Lovitz at the Laugh Factory.

'90210': The Father of Kelly's 'Splash-Off' Revealed!

Kyle Buchanan · 09/17/08 12:40PM

It was the question that had all of America's small, CW-watching audience in its thrall for about a week, tops: who is the father of Kelly's baby on 90210? Sure, Canada took great pains to give away the show's secret, but for spoiler-avoiding true patriots, last night's episode finally revealed the babydaddy behind Beverly Hills's most famous "splash-off".Jennie Garth had her own take on the matter, telling People:

Kyle Buchanan · 09/16/08 02:50PM

Though rumors continue that the CW may not outlive May sweeps, last night's ratings provided a bit of good news for the network: Gossip Girl, which has never managed to translate its huge New York media buzz into actual nationwide ratings, earned its highest numbers ever (3.7 million viewers), and along with One Tree Hill, contributed to the best Monday night in CW history. Does the 11% boost in viewers from Gossip's past two episodes bode well for a possible 90210 resurgence tonight, since the latter drama saw its numbers fall in its second outing? We'll know tomorrow whether all the babydaddy drama has paid off, or if the show's continued slide in the ratings will presage an emergency rescue from one very hirsute West Bev alum. [THR]

Shenae Grimes Is The Only One Who Gets to Smile Around Here!

Kyle Buchanan · 09/16/08 11:40AM

In most respects, 90210 lead Shenae Grimes couldn't be more different from her franchise predecessor Shannen Doherty: instead of coming across as a Midwestern fish out of water in Beverly Hills, she's already tanned, styled, and starved within an inch of her life (and it's only three weeks in). And then there is the smiling — always, the smiling! However, according to the New York Post, Grimes may have taken a page from Doherty when it comes to on-set behavior, and it sounds like she's not giving her coworkers much to smile about:

'Hey Zack, It's Me, Kelly. Kelly Kapowski From Bayside.'

Douglas Reinhardt · 09/15/08 01:45PM

Click to viewBoomp3.com A reunion of TV teen icons took place at the conclusion of the star-filled Nautica Malibu Triathlon when Saved by The Bell stars Tiffani Thiessen (AKA Kelly Kapowski) ran into Mark-Paul Gosselaar (AKA Zack Morris). As the two caught up on all of each other's exploits, it quickly became apparent that the two looked as if they were transported right back to those magical days at The Max. That is, until Thiessen turned the conversation towards the potential of a Saved By The Bell spin-off. Gosselaar seemed unsure about the idea of a spin off, considering the misfires that were Saved By The Bell: The College Years and Saved By The Bell: The New Class. Thiessen was unrelenting, though, going as far as to use the recent 90210 spin-off as an example of an old show that got a big boost by incorporating some of today's cooler and edgier positions on teen life. Thiessen said, “It would be so much fun. Just imagine the theoretical child of Zack and Kelly raising heck all over Bayside. Meanwhile, Zack would be raising heck in the corporate world or maybe real estate and Kelly is running for vice president or something.” [Photo Credit: Splash Pics] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.

Did a Canadian Ad Spoil The Big '90210' Secret?

Kyle Buchanan · 09/15/08 11:20AM

Once upon a time, we thought that the babydaddy mystery surrounding Kelly Taylor's love child on the new 90210 would be the "Who killed Laura Palmer?" of the CW set, with Jennie Garth given mysterious, clue-laden bon mots to drop all season, then a hasty denouement revealing Kelly's torrid night of cappuccinos with Nat at the Peach Pit five years ago. Then, producers threw us for a loop, stating that Shannen Doherty would reveal the big secret as early as tomorrow night's episode when Brenda confronts Kelly about dating the hot hipster teacher at West Bev. Now, in the wake of that hint, a tipster has informed us that a Canadian ad for the big episode may unwittingly supply the father's identity. Spoilers, after the jump...According to tipster "Lezzy McGuire":

'90210': Doherty To Reveal Babydaddy, Then Depart

Kyle Buchanan · 09/12/08 02:05PM

Why, it seems like just the other day that 90210 had us asking, "Who's the father of Kelly Taylor's towheaded love child?" It was a question we didn't expect to be solved until producers had milked every drop from the guessing game — either that, or until they could finally lure back Jason Priestly for a hirsute, highly-paid cameo. However, according to People, the 90210 team plans to unveil the child's paternity even without a guest spot locked up, and they're planning to do it soon — real soon:

'90210': Who's The Familiar Father Of Kelly Taylor's Love Child?

Mark Graham · 09/10/08 07:00PM

Despite being paced a bit too frenetically for our liking, last week's two-hour debut of the 90210 reboot managed to intrigue us enough to tune in for last night's episode (although it appears that 25% of those first week viewers didn't feel the same way). And while the new brood of West Beverly High School students still can't stop smiling, we couldn't help but find ourselves smiling a little bit during the episode's (admittedly shoehorned-in) plotlines revolving around Kelly Taylor. Suckers for nostalgia, rejoice! Last night, we finally got some details about her mystery four year old son, the product of a one night splash-off with someone who she "had a lot of history together [with] in high school" (but has since left her high and dry). Join us as we investigate the eight likeliest candidates for being the dude whose little swimmers got all up in Kelly Taylor's biznass.

SAG is Not Afraid of '90210' or the Rest of Those Dirty AFTRA Freaks

STV · 09/10/08 05:30PM

Variety reminds us today that a major! labor! crisis! remains in effect at the Screen Actors Guild, which after three months has still made exactly no progress in settling its contract quibbles with the networks and major studios. Still, if those producers aren't worried, then you shouldn't be either — especially now that AFTRA is reportedly taking over where SAG can't necessarily be counted on. To wit, after securing its own three-year deal with the majors over the summer, the union has nabbed some high-profile new recruits for the primetime season to come.

Go On, Shannen, Say Hi To the Nice People

Douglas Reinhardt · 09/05/08 12:00PM

A mysterious man wearing a gray blazer offered 90210 star Shannen Doherty a friendly shove outside of the Ed Sullivan theater on Thursday night. This caused Doherty to experience a temporary flashback to her childhood, when her shyness prevented her from adequately conversing with her father's golf buddies. After hiding behind the gray blazered chap for a couple of minutes, the mystery man encouraged Shannen to talk to the people gathered outside instead of bolting directly to her Town Car. "Come on and smile for the nice people," he said. "You're kind of back. Let's not screw it up, okay? And show the nice people that nice dance you learned, too."

She's Still Smiling, You Guys

Douglas Reinhardt · 09/04/08 02:00PM

Everybody's' favorite Brenda 2.0, AKA Shenae Grimes, remained all smiles while filming on the set of the hit CW series yesterday. When asked about why she appears to be so happy, Grimes replied, "The show is a hit! I get to work with Gangy! I'm up for the role of Bristol Palin in a Lifetime movie! Why not smile? Everything is coming up Shenae these days!"

On TV the Rich Get Richer, And We Keep Watching

Richard Lawson · 09/04/08 09:26AM

In this time of economic woe, those of us stranded in the middle and lower classes aren't circling the wagons, trying to protect what little stake we've left. Instead we're looking at those people far across the income gap—the fantastic private jet-having super rich—congratulating and emulating them and waving them to greener shores while we stand dumbly on the docks. Or so argues Alessandra Stanley in a Times trend piece today, using the new hyper-moneyed 90210 as a springboard. You see those kids aren't just rich like they might have been on such a show thirty years ago, with a sports car and a nice haircut. In this "new," cash-obsessed post-Reagan era, your typical rich kids are Aaron Spelling rich. With like private planes and hugely expensive birthday parties and $800 just-because! friend presents. Even the new kids in town—fresh from storied rube-mill Kansas!—don't live in a humble shack. No, they live in a big stucco mansion with their prodigal rich kid dad, their fashionista mother, and their boozy former actress of a grandmother. That's the new poor! Same goes for the humble Humphreys on the east coast money fest Gossip Girl who, as the penniless kids in town, live in a modestly sprawling DUMBO loft with their former rockstar, gallery owner dad. Our fascination with bank accounts not our own represents some kind of political pandemic, Stanley argues:

The New 90210: "Blows. Bites. Sucks."

Richard Lawson · 09/03/08 09:51AM

I don't really know where to start with the new 90210, a teen soap reboot of the original teen soap Beverly Hills: 90210. The theme song was the same, sort of. But it was shortened and mangled. Those same towering, skinny palm trees loomed grandly over the fast moving cars, but they looked almost sickly and tired. And even poor Nat was there, our little old Peach Pit-owning friend, shuffling around the teen hangout. But the new building was stony and cold and confusing and never explained and Nat had to bang away at some espresso machine monstrosity and make a tired old person joke. Basically the first two episodes of the new 90210, which aired back-to-back last night, were both extremely frustrating and entirely bland. There were some fun moments, many having to do with people from the original series, but mostly it "blows. bites. sucks," to quote poor Michael—I mean "Dixon." We have Becky from Full House and that Rob Estes dude from Sleazy Guys: The TV Series moving with their Canadian redheaded twig of a thing (Shenae Grimes, dangerously slimmed down from her Degrassi: The Next Generation days) and their adopted son Dixon, a young black fellow played head scratchingly by Tristan Wilds, who was all deep-buried pain and hooded sadness as Michael on HBO's so-in-another-galaxy-from-this-it's-laughable The Wire. Jessica Walter is the aging, drunken actress mother of Estes, and is basically just doing a watered-down version of her terrific bitchy mess of a mom on Arrested Development. So that's the set-up, Kansas family moves back to dad's mom's Beverly Hills manse to take care of her (though that was so weakly explained). He will be the principal of West Beverly Hills High School, and Aunt Becky will... I dunno, stand around looking at photo shoots. The kids will gawp at their new toned, tawny, forty-three-year-old classmates. I'm sure in some way it was a winking nod to the aged Gabrielle Carteris and Luke Perry of the original, who were well out of high school when they were cast in teenager roles, that the actress who plays queen bee bitch (with a hint of sadness and smarts!) Naomi probably graduated from the University of Oregon at Eugene in 1993. She's got a wild mane of hair, stern glowing eyes, and a knowledge of how to slink and work her curves that no fifteen-year-old girl (God help us) should ever possess. There is also Ethan, the woodchuck-esque lacrosse star, former make-out buddy of Canada St. Kansas, and current blow-job-from-another-girl-receiving boyfriend of Naomi. (That blowjob was graphic enough to elicit an "eep!" from me.) There's some sloppy romantic triangle being set up there but... yawwwn. There is also Silver, a nasty little bloggette (at one point she says something like "blogs are supposed to cause problems") who is the half sister of Kelly Taylor and David Silver from the original. Whee! Connections! She befriends Canada St. Kansas sort of, while Dixon takes some ridiculous news class with a guy named Navid Shirazi (mmm... Shiraz) who quickly fast-talks him into a friendship, though cluckingly disapproves when Dix expresses an interest in the lacrosse team. And... would it be too sweeping just to say that various highjinxs ensue, none of which are interesting? Canada gets involved in a ludicrous high school production of Spring Awakening (upstaging the show's troubled, druggy lead), and gets jetted off by its faggy male star to San Francisco (hahhh!) for a romantic dinner. Dix gets in trouble with a school prank. Naomi cheats back and tears are shed. Srsly overloaded for the first two hours. And those are just the kids! The adults are silly too, the parents chief among them as bland cool dad/cool mom robots who have awkward, implied sex. There is of course the hip teacher, with scruff and jeans and a tie in the style of Ryan Gosling's mesmerizing crack addicted dialectics fan in Half Nelson, who is also (conveniently!) the lacrosse coach. The old adults... oh God bless 'em, they're the only rock we have to cling to here. Kelly (who has a kid! Brandon's??) and Brenda are back, looking good and having nice conversations about nice things. I'm sure the show's depressingly young audience members were scratching their heads at these befuddling wrinkled people and their shorthand relationship with the camera, but it sure as hell beat the too-short, jump-cutty scenes of the youngs. All told the show made me feel both giddy and sad. Giddy for jokes like Hannah Zuckerman-Vasquez (the little Latina Jewess does the news at West Bev!) and sad for blowjob and jerk-off jokes, espresso and trendy bands. My mom, sister, and I watched the original every Wednesday night for years and years. When I was younger it was the only television I was allowed to watch after 8pm. That may seem silly, but I have many fond memories of that slightly older time, and this new thing... this dreadful sunburn of a thing, just felt like a vague dismissal. "Here are those old things, batting around the periphery. See if you notice them. We're going to focus on the dull hardbodies in the meantime." I suppose nothing was owed to the show's old fans, it was free entertainment for so long, after all. But this new Beverly Hills just felt cheap and unfriendly; it had none of the glittery and warm and oddly wholesome allure of the old storied town. The whole place was a giant clothing store, stretching for miles and miles. At one point in the episode a bunch of the characters were at The Pit, the trendy nightclub, drinking cocktails with cool teacher McGee in the background and oozing around the dance floor. I thought of the spring dance episode from the original—with its similar swirling lights and blue hues—where Brenda painstakingly weighs her options and finally decides to lose it to Dylan. How many months and years went into that one moment! And now I suspected these new kids had made that same decision somewhere between the bar and the bathroom. And, however naively, I wanted to click my heels and go all the way back—despite the current idiots milling about the place—to the safe and ancient Walsh-infested corners of dear old Minnesota.

New '90210', Old Tricks

Richard Lawson · 08/28/08 12:46PM

Two stars of the original teen soap on the upcoming remake... Shannen Doherty: "All I know is there's a girl giving a guy a blow job in the first episode." Jennie Garth: "When they told me that, I thought, Aaron Spelling is rolling over in his grave right now." [EW]

Local Dog Gets Busy With A 'Gossip Girl'

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/22/08 11:55AM

Baloney McCheesestick seized a golden opportunity on Thursday afternoon to get busy with Gossip Girl star Blake Lively. Baloney's parents knew that one of their child's greatest desires was to hump the leg of one of the actresses from the popular CW series. Baloney's mother said, "Whenever we watch the show, Baloney just goes to town on his little sleep pillow." Baloney's father felt that his son's habit had become disturbing, but is optimistic that Baloney's session with Blake Lively's right boot will cure his problem. Baloney's father said, "He's been there, he's done it and, hopefully, it's over. We can only hope that he doesn't get into the new 90210."

How To Talk About Fall Television (That You Might Not Be Watching)

Richard Lawson · 08/20/08 03:28PM

That slight crisp in the air this morning signals to us that autumn is fast approaching, with its hayrides and pumpkin picking and legion of miserable children tromping off to their imagined doom. But also it means television, sweet and glorious non-off-season TV like Gossip Girl and, um... other... shows. Many other shows! So many, in fact, that you can't-even with the aid of DVR techmologies-be expected to watch them all. But in this increasingly (for the past few hundred years) pop-driven culture, it's important that you are least able to talk about the zeitgeistiest shows out there, so after the jump we'll give you a few key talking points for some of the most buzzed about series soon to be (or, in a few cases, that already are) flickering on your idiot box. SUNDAY