If I Give You These Puppies, Will You Please Give Me Some Good Press?
Douglas Reinhardt · 05/27/08 11:50AMSo, You Guys Get Paid By The Hour? Better Health Coverage Than SAG?
Douglas Reinhardt · 05/23/08 02:00PMWho Needs An Assistant When You Have Kettle Bells!
Douglas Reinhardt · 05/23/08 12:30PMArgh! I Hate My Cell Phone Company SO MUCH Right Now!
Douglas Reinhardt · 05/22/08 04:43PM
In a scene that was eerily reminiscent of the film Network, actress Uma Thurman stuck her head out her building's window and publicly vented frustrations about her cell phone company. Thurman's action inspired a man in the building across the street to yell about his frustration with his cable company's lack of HD channels, which caused the man on the floor below him to yell back that he should look into getting satellite television. As is wont to happen in New York City, the two men got into a very loud and public debate over satellite vs. cable. Thurman saw the men across yelling and yelled at them, "Hey, don't ruin my moment with a bunch of bullshit HD talk. This was about me and my issues with my phone, dingus."
Heigl Finds Her Happy Place
Douglas Reinhardt · 05/22/08 12:57PM
After a brief honeymoon with cupcake and various delicious treats, Grey's Anatomy star Katherine Heigl switched back to the Hollywood power diet of cigarettes and Diet Coke. Heigl has cited the change in diet for the overall improvement in her disposition. Heigl said, "I was always so bitchy and crazy when I was ingesting sugar all the time. Now that I'm back to the natural elements, the basics, I don't know. I feel so energized and not dreading everything. I'm starting to not mind Joshua's bitching and even sometimes, allowing him to call himself, Josh. "
If We Don't Make Eye Contact, I Won't Have To Sign Their Autograph
Douglas Reinhardt · 05/21/08 05:50PMNow, Maybe My Parents Will Finally Pay Attention To Me
Douglas Reinhardt · 05/21/08 02:50PMShe Just Keeps On Getting Bigger and Bigger
Douglas Reinhardt · 05/21/08 12:50PMSpeed 3: The McConaughey Syndrome
Douglas Reinhardt · 05/20/08 05:50PM
Dazed & Confused star Matthew McConaughey began rehearsals this past weekend in Malibu for the third installment in the popular action film series. In the latest adventure, McConaughey plays a jogger who wakes up with a bomb strapped to his chest that must maintain a certain speed and remain fully clothed in the process. McConaughey calls the part of Sam Johnston to be his most challenging since he goes against every notion he has a human being. McConaughey said, "Being placed into a situation where if I do something that comes so naturally to me means that I'm going to die, I mean, this is the most personal I'm going to get as an actor."
DUCKY! I Love You, Man!
Douglas Reinhardt · 05/20/08 04:10PM
Two and Half Men star Jon Cryer received the next level in TSA security pat down while boarding at a film at LAX. It wasn't as much of a pat down as it was a full body pat down that lingered a tad too long in certain areas for Cryer. Cryer said of the experience, "I guess he's a fan, but sometimes, people get a bit too zealous."
You Don't Think Tucking The Tie In Is A Bit Much?
Douglas Reinhardt · 05/20/08 02:25PMWhen Douglas Met Molly
Mark Graham · 05/19/08 07:20PMAre you looking for something to, you know, do? If so, we have good news for you adventure seekers, as Molly McAleer has put together a whole evening's worth of recommendations for you. And in this installment, Molly is joined by Defamer contributor Douglas Reinhardt, whose feature, "A Call To The Bullpen", has resulted in more than a handful of angry phone calls / emails from angry publicists and other humor-challenged denizens of Hollywood in its two short months of existence. Enjoy!