
Whoopi Goldberg's Seething Hate-Rays Fail To Incinerate McCain Groupie Elisabeth Hasselbeck

Kyle Buchanan · 07/31/08 04:09PM

After all of Hollywood weighed in on the new McCain "Celebrity" ad (well, Britney's publicists and Fake Paris Hilton, at least), it was only natural to turn to the ladies of The View for the last word. Unfortunately, that last word is shrieked, shouted, and stomped to death as Whoopi Goldberg and Elisabeth Hasselbeck spar over the ad with such vitriol that View producers were no doubt tempted to drag the split-screen out of mothballs. Enjoy this delightful screaming match as Whoopi yells "Don't go there!" at a booed, sulking Elisabeth (while Sherri Shepherd gets out nothing but a delightfully chirped "Ludacris!").

Plane Makes Emergency Landing On Steve Martin Book PR Tour

Pareene · 11/29/07 01:05PM

Today Channel 7 interrupted "The View" with promises of an awesome plane crash televised live but all we got were a couple sparks followed by the Cremaster-inspired covering of the plane in a thick layer of suggestive foam. Then they back to the tail end of a Steve Martin anecdote and a commercial. If you're gonna interrupt the ladies of "The View," we demand explosions!

Plane makes successful 'belly landing' in New Jersey [ABC7]