The Real Aaron Swartz "Inside Story": The Feds' Terrifying Aggression
Michelle Dean · 03/31/14 12:00PMWhich Long Magazine Profiles of Aaron Swartz Should You Bother to Read?
Adrian Chen · 03/04/13 03:03PM
Both the New Yorker and The Atlantic published long stories about the late 26-year-old computer whiz Aaron Swartz today. These join lengthy profiles from New York, Rolling Stone, Slate, The Verge and The New Republic. This overwhelming outpouring is not a surprise: The suicide of a 26-year-old computer genius is the kind of story magazines were made to cover: complex but instantly engaging, offering a window into an unusual world.
Reddit Cofounder, Digital Activist Aaron Swartz Dead From Suicide at 26 (UPDATE)
Taylor Berman · 01/12/13 09:51AMHow to launch software
Nicholas Carlson · 08/25/08 12:40PM
Fired Reddit cofounder and noted nontrepreneur Aaron Swartz says developers shouldn't roll out software with a Hollywood-style launch, as the rock-star coders at collaboration-software makers 37 Signals say. Swartz favors "the Gmail Launch," he writes on his blog, Raw Thought. The gist of his argument, below.
Boy wonder posts online novel to kill slow news day
Paul Boutin · 01/01/08 03:10PM
Reddit founder and teenage RSS co-developer Aaron Swartz has been posting chapters to Bubble City, a novel in progress. The guy's no Gore Vidal, but with today even slower than Christmas on the Internet, an 11-chapter serial about corrupt startups and an eeeeevil Google may be just what you need to kick back with until Cory Doctorow's next dispatch.
(Photo by Jacob Applebaum)
A year after Wired buyout, Reddit founders drink heavily
Owen Thomas · 10/17/07 01:15PM
THE GALLERY LOUNGE, SOMA — Joel Sacks of AdBrite wants to have a word with me. No, nothing to do with his company's adventures in serving up porn ads; he's still pissed off about the time we caught him on video soaking himself with a pint of beer. This time, he's dry. But he's just lucky — this San Francisco bar is packed wall to wall, thanks to social-news site Reddit's open invitation for anyone to come and spill a free beer on their neighbor. The largesse comes from Reddit's owner, Conde Nast, the publisher of Wired, which bought the site a year ago. I got to meet Reddit's founders, most of whom are still, contrary to rumor, at the company. But one was, notably, missing in action: Aaron Swartz, the obstreperous Reddit cofounder who quit shortly after Conde Nast bought the site. More on the founders' status after the jump.
The nontrepreneur
Nick Douglas · 05/08/07 04:03AM
NICK DOUGLAS — The serial entrepreneur is dead, and thank god, because he bored me. The new archetypal business creator is not that interested in business at all. Unlike Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page with their single grand vision, or the mercenary team who built Myspace for the money, founding a company is just one way the nontrepreneur fulfills a desire to improve the world. I'll show you how nontrepreneurs happen to start fantastic companies, how their approach to business is so special, and how they quit without any sense of loss. And I'll do it by using the rather unfair example of Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz.