
You Can Vacation at a Fake Shanty Town With Luxury Amenities

Hamilton Nolan · 11/25/13 03:27PM

Though "authentic" tourism experiences will always carry a whiff of the ridiculous, a case can be made that visiting a country's slums does have some redeeming side effects. Unless you're visiting fake slums built inside a luxury resort.

Some Fools Think They Can Improve on The Egg

Hamilton Nolan · 11/06/13 02:44PM

Here is some straight up bullshit: some scientist who like "playing god" are trying to improve on one of God's Greatest Creations—the incredible edible egg. NEWS FLASH, eggheads: it ain't gonna happen.

Don't Make That Rap Video: PR Dummies Edition

Hamilton Nolan · 06/22/12 01:55PM

Welcome to PR Dummies. The public relations industry is full of people who are trained to show enthusiasm for any paying customer, on demand. This naturally erodes their own innate taste. Which is to say: PR people have bad taste. Which is to say: please, don't make that rap video.

Male Nipples Now Considered Too Racy For Billboards

Hamilton Nolan · 03/28/08 02:37PM

First, the airbrushes came for Heidi Klum's nipples. Now, in what one can only hope does not signal a trend that will leave Americans sexless once and for all, the airbrushes have struck at an even more vulnerable target: the male wrestlers of Wrestlemania. The city of Orlando seems to feel that John Cena and Floyd Mayweather's nipples are not fit for the public gaze. We pray this abomination is not allowed to stand. Below, close up shots of the monstrous androgynous fighters' chests.