
How Should an Abortion Be?

Monica Heisey · 01/22/15 04:00PM

A pregnant woman I didn't know struck up a conversation with me at a party recently. We chatted amicably about the weather (bad), the Golden Globes (fine) and the food at the party (great) before the conversation turned—inevitably, it felt—towards birth (hers). She told me she was nervous but excited, that she could not stop Googling, and how glad she was to be out of the infamously uncomfortable first trimester. "I know what you mean," I said. "When I was pregnant I was so tired I could barely move." Her eyes brightened. "You've got kids?" "No."

Federal Judge Finds Texas Abortion Law Unconstitutional

Kelly Conaboy · 08/31/14 09:00AM

A federal judge ruled on Friday that a key component of Texas's anti-abortion law, which required all abortion clinics to meet the standards of hospital-level surgical centers, is unconstitutional. The ruling spares a dozen abortion clinics from closure.

Recording Catches Anti-Abortionists Plotting How to Intimidate Women

Adam Weinstein · 08/13/14 03:30PM

Liberal activists in Texas have released audio they say is from a training session for anti-abortion activists at the state Capitol earlier this month—audio in which trainers can be heard discussing their successes stalking patients and clinic workers, scaring women, and tricking them out of seeking the procedure.

Nice Anti-Abortion Grandmas And Other Supreme Court Fictions

Michelle Dean · 06/26/14 04:20PM

By process of elimination, we now know that the Supreme Court will deliver its decision in the Hobby Lobby reproductive-health coverage case on Monday. It's hard not to look at today's decision in McCullen v. Coakley, overturning buffer zones around clinics, for a gauge of the Court's temperature on the reality of abortion rights in America. The answer appears to be: warm on the good intentions of anti-abortion activists.

Rick Perry Trusts Science on Gay-Conversion, But Not That Climate Thing

Adam Weinstein · 06/16/14 01:45PM

Rick Perry, presidential contender and the Republican Party's version of a Very Special Blossom Episode, said today he'd listen to scientific professionals on whether gay-conversion therapy works. Which is weird, since he thinks scientific professionals who study climate or uteruses are basically charlatans.

Right-Wing Bloggers Are Flipping Out Over This YouTube Abortion Video

Adam Weinstein · 05/06/14 01:02PM

This is Emily Letts, a patient advocate at a reproductive clinic in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, just outside Philadelphia. Letts got pregnant and was, in her words, "not ready" to have children. So she got an abortion, and filmed it, and is now a hot target for online critics.

South Carolina Wants Fetuses to Stand Their Ground

Adam Weinstein · 04/11/14 01:46PM

In an earth-shattering breakthrough, senators in Columbia, S.C., sent a gun-nut particle colliding into an abortion-nut particle, and the two fused together in a brilliant release of energy to produce a new, hitherto unknown super-heavy mass of conservative stupidity.