Abu Ghraib Victims Richly Compensated for Their Troubles
Hamilton Nolan · 01/09/13 01:35PM
Six dozen Iraqis who were imprisoned by Americans at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere during the Iraq War sued a private U.S. contractor that provided employees to the prison. According to the NYT, "The plaintiffs complained of 'heinous acts' and torture at the hands of military and contractor personnel, including rape and sexual assault, beatings, forced nudity, humiliation and isolation." Not to worry, though—they are being fairly compensated for their discomfort.
Federal Grand Jury Now Investigating CIA Agents for War Crimes
John Cook · 06/14/11 04:44PMRetired Abu Ghraib Overlord Confirms Senate Run
Jeff Neumann · 04/18/11 07:27AM
Democrats in Texas seem to be excited about this: They've convinced retired Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, commander of U.S. forces in Iraq during the Abu Ghraib torture scandal, to run for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Kay Bailey Hutchison. Sanchez described himself to McClatchy over the phone, saying, "I decided that socially, I'm a progressive, a fiscal conservative and a strong supporter, obviously, of national defense." He added that, "America has a responsibility to its people."
Israel's Own Military Prisoner Photo Scandal, on Facebook
Hamilton Nolan · 08/16/10 02:17PMDeborah Soloman: Meaner to Family Guy Than Torture Guy
Pareene · 12/29/09 02:43PMBreitbart: "Abu Ghraibs for Everyone!"
Pareene · 09/24/09 09:55AMThe Abu Ghraib Photo Mess: Denials, Clairifications, Media Slapfights
Foster Kamer · 05/30/09 06:15PMPentagon, Gibbs Deny Detainee Rape Pics
Pareene · 05/28/09 02:49PMNo Wonder Obama Didn't Release the New Abu Ghraib Torture Photos
The Cajun Boy · 05/28/09 03:06AMSelling Panasonic With Torture
Hamilton Nolan · 02/28/08 02:02PM
Funny and sucky things happen when ads on websites get juxtaposed with content that the advertisers wouldn't like to have associated with their products. For example: Panasonic Toughbooks are super tough computers. One reviewer says they can take anything—"That includes being dropped from almost a metre, being showered with water, being thrown in the mud and being dragged through dust and sand. It's therefore no surprise that ToughBooks are used by the US military." So maybe appearing right next to these torture photos from Abu Ghraib on WIRED's site really was a good branding opportunity. Ehhh... some things just don't sell well. (Click to enlarge). [WIRED]