The Oscars Can't Do Anything Right
Rich Juzwiak · 02/25/16 05:58PM
You might think that in a year when the Academy Awards have been under fire for lacking diversity, the powers that be would ask the first trans performer nominated for an Oscar to take the stage at some point during Sunday’s ceremony. Even if Hollywood remains transphobic for the foreseeable future, even if no one attending or behind the scenes of the Oscars speaks out about trans discrimination or educates themselves about trans issues or strikes up a friendship with a trans person or ends up liking trans people even in the abstract, having a trans performer onstage would be a feather in the cap, a way of deflecting criticism and saying, “Hey, look—we actually can be inclusive (even if we don’t think much of black people in the industry).” At the very least, it would be a good PR move.
You Could Rob All These Rich People's Houses During the Oscars
Hamilton Nolan · 02/23/15 09:35AMMo'Nique Can't Book Jobs in Hollywood Anymore Because of the 2010 Oscars
Gabrielle Bluestone · 02/20/15 12:00AMSelma and the American-ness of the Academy
Iquo B. Essien · 12/27/14 02:42PMHere's Who's Going To Win the Oscars This Year
Rich Juzwiak · 02/24/13 11:37AM
For a variety of reasons, the winners in this years Oscars race have seemed clear-cut for weeks. Maybe it's because the nominations themselves this year contained few surprises or because of the heaping piles of trophies that the likes of Jennifer Lawrence and Argo have already picked up at the season's other awards shows. Maybe it's because of Nate Silver. Whatever. This year's Academy Awards have the potential to be the most boring in recent memory (and last year was really boring). We'll have to rely on host Seth MacFarlane to keep things lively. Come on, Seth! We're counting on you!
Who's Going to Win an Oscar This Year—and Who Deserves to Win One?
Max Read · 02/23/13 12:33PM
Tomorrow night, Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane will take the stage to host the 85th Academy Awards. There are a lot of deserving nominees—and just as many, if not more, undeserving ones. Our own Rich Juzwiak will have some pre-Oscar predictions tomorrow (we'll also be here and on Twitter during the red carpet and the ceremony itself), but this is your chance to put yours on the record. Who's going to win? Who should win? Who should've been nominated, but wasn't? (You can find a full list of nominations here.)
Condoms, a $12,000 Vacation, and Other Ludicrous Gifts in 9-year-old Quvenzhané Wallis' Oscar Swag Bag
Caity Weaver · 02/22/13 08:08PMThe Best Oscars Documentary You've Never Seen: Behind the Scenes With Jack Nicholson, Lily Tomlin and Michael Douglas at the 1976 Academy Awards
Allen Rucker · 02/22/13 06:00PMThe members of TVTV (Top Value Television), the 1970s guerrilla video group I cofounded, were among the first to exploit the then brand-new portable video camera. We took them to big events and turned the cameras away from the spectacle and on to the people; almost no one had seen one before, and there were no rules about how to use them, or act in front of them—not even among Oscar nominees like Mike Douglas, Jack Nicholson and Lily Tomlin, all of whom were captured by the group in 1976 for TVTV Goes the Oscars.
'You Like Me, You Really Like Me!': Watch a Supercut of People, Cartoons and Puppets Botch Sally Field's Famous Oscars Speech
Rich Juzwiak · 02/22/13 03:00PM"Let the darn thing go, will ya?" said Sally Field said during the manic 20/20 special Mad About the Oscars with Katie Couric. Field was referring to her frequently quoted speech from the 1985 Academy Awards ceremony (where she won her second Oscar for Places in the Heart), and the way it has reverberated through pop culture in the 28 years since she uttered it.
Zach Galifianakis Weirds Out a Few More Academy Award Nominees in Between Two Ferns: 'Oscar Buzz Edition' Part 2
Neetzan Zimmerman · 02/12/13 09:08AMZach Galifianakis Brings Back Between Two Ferns for a Special Extra-Awkward 'Oscar Buzz Edition'
Neetzan Zimmerman · 02/11/13 11:05AMRobert Kessler · 10/01/12 11:53AM
Louis Peitzman · 08/23/12 08:12PM
Fear, Loathing, And Modern Medicine: The Faces Of The Academy Awards
Timothy Burke · 02/27/12 09:30AMThe Complete List of Winners from History's Worst Oscars
Brian Moylan · 02/27/12 12:57AM
As someone who loves the Oscars, movies, and awards shows in general, I have to say that this year's ceremony was the most boring in modern memory. It seemed like the whole night was mired in Billy Crystal's mediocre nostalgia and nothing got to shine, except Meryl Streep, which shouldn't be a surprise at all.
How Was Meryl Streep Winning Oscar Night's Big Surprise?
Matt Toder · 02/26/12 11:49PMI don't know either but it was. Here's her acceptance speech.
Here is this Year's In Memoriam Montage
Matt Toder · 02/26/12 11:24PMI'm still not wild about incorporating live performance but it still works.
J. Lo's Oscar Dress: Nipple or Shadow?
Emma Carmichael · 02/26/12 10:37PMIt's the Annual 'What Were They Thinking' Sketch, This Time with Uggie the Dog
Matt Toder · 02/26/12 10:15PMHe was taped, I bet.