
abalk · 08/23/07 04:50PM

For whatever reason, this is the line that made us laugh the hardest this week. You people are reading Achewood every day like we told you, right? Anyway, happy birthday, Philippe! [Achewood]

abalk · 07/26/07 03:20PM

We'll keep saying it until you listen: You should be reading "Achewood" every day. Also, this would be a much better series than Harry Potter. [Achewood]

Crazy Vegan Loves Animals, 'Interview'

abalk · 06/21/07 09:40AM

This month's collection of dispatches from Interview's developmentally-disabled readership contains a bit of advocacy for the cause of veganism. We don't want to cause any controversy amongst the smug "I don't eat animals but I have plenty of time to write angry letters to people who do" set, so we'll simply say that our advice to vegans is the same as Ray Smuckles': "Stand in front of a full-length mirror looking at your body, and then smile really nicely at your body as you say to it, I am so much smarter than you." Actually, if you replace the word "body" with "brain," that advice also applies to Interview readers. Click through for the letter.