Supreme Court Rejects Some of Arizona's Immigration Law, Leaves in Pesky 'Show Me Your Papers' Clause
Louis Peitzman · 06/25/12 06:38PMStudent Sues School District Over Illegal Search of Her Facebook Page
Louis Peitzman · 03/10/12 04:39PM
A 12-year-old Minnesota girl has joined forces with the ACLU to sue her school district. Minnewaska School officials penalized the girl, known only as "R.S.," for information she posted off of school property to her private Facebook page. At one point, she was "intimidated" into giving up her password so that administrators could see the rest of her posts.
How to Photoshop Your Way to a $425,000 Payoff
Lauri Apple · 12/17/11 02:00PM
Former University of Northern Colorado student Tom Mink (right) (ha, just kidding—left!) just received a $425,000 settlement from a bunch of Colorado cities for improperly searching his home and confiscating his computer after he'd created "Junius Puke," the Photoshop at right of UNC finance professor Junius Peake.
Facebook Mysteriously Ditched by ACLU Veteran
Ryan Tate · 10/04/11 01:13PMSober Student Forced to Take Breathalyzer Test Sues
Lauri Apple · 09/21/11 06:11AMIdaho Town Terrorized by Guy in Bunny Suit
Brian Moylan · 08/02/11 01:29PMGawker v. Christie [Updated]
John Cook · 07/25/11 11:11AM
Today, with the help of the New Jersey ACLU, Gawker filed a civil complaint against the office of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie under the state's Open Records Act. We're seeking records of Christie's communications with Fox News chairman Roger Ailes. Christie claims they should remain secret under the state's executive privilege. We disagree.
Jerk-Off Mags Behind Bars: The Debate Rages
Seth Abramovitch · 06/01/11 02:52AMJob Applicant Forced to Give Up His Facebook Password
Brian Moylan · 02/22/11 02:31PMNebraska Town Votes to Ban Hiring or Renting to Illegal Immigrants
Max Read · 06/22/10 02:30AMACLU Now an Exponentially Less Hardcore Lobby Than Previously Considered
Foster Kamer · 12/26/09 10:30PMThe Man Who Quietly Bankrolled the ACLU
Pareene · 12/09/09 02:14PMSupreme Court Gives White House Another Chance to Block Torture Pics
Pareene · 11/30/09 03:07PMHapless CIA Agents Get Punk'd By the ACLU
John Cook · 08/21/09 12:56PMChild Online Protection Act gets sent to time-out a third time
Melissa Gira Grant · 07/24/08 06:20PM
Defeated a third time this week: the Child Online Protection Act, a 10-year-old law deemed unenforceable twice by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, and once by the Supreme Court. The American Civil Liberties Union argued that though the law is written supposedly to prohibit minor's access to "harmful" materials online, it could land your average sex blogger selling CafePress g-strings up to six months imprisonment for not blocking underage Web users from their site. Though the guidelines for what's considered "harmful" have been deemed overbroad, it's anticipated that the Bush Administration will seek another appeal. Better hurry if he wants to block Obamaporn before he rolls out of office. (Photo by Silveira Neto)
Internet Archive refuses to secretly hand over user info to FBI
Jackson West · 05/08/08 03:00PM
With the help of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union, Internet Archive founder Brewster Kahle successfully challenged an FBI request to secretly hand over information about the site's users. The FBI had sent Kahle a "national security letter" which requested personal information about a particular user and put Kahle under a gag order. Approximately 200,000 of the secret requests, which need no judicial approval, were issued between 2003 and 2006 after the NSL program was expanded by the Patriot Act. Kahle's case is one of only three the ACLU is aware of where NSL requests were successfully overturned in court. (Photo by David Silver)