
Your Campaign '08 Rejected Comments

Pareene · 11/04/08 06:08PM

In the future the history books will say this election was fought across blog posts and in the comment trenches, via video links and perpetual forwards. History books will be full of shit, obv, because 99% of the internet noise about the election was barely readable garbage and nonsense. Our resident expert in garbage and nonense, is, of course, Comments Czar Kaila, who decides which of you get to live to comment another day. So below, for your Election Day, Kaila shares some of the very best of the best of insane rejected comments. "Fuck you you fucking liberal elitist fucks," after the jump! Leave 'em hanging: Palin Emails Real

Who You Are, Why You Are So Mad

Rebecca · 03/19/08 03:27PM

Yesterday, I very earnestly asked who you commenters are and what you get out of the whole commenting experience. Except for a few people who fairly criticized me for just trying to drum up comments, almost everyone responded with equal earnestness. For the most part, people seem to just enjoy the community in the comments. For some, it's a distraction from work, when YouTube is blocked. For others, it's a distraction from the people at work, where everyone is old and no one gets Breakfast Club references. Prolific commenters claim to get laid through Gawker. I find that both depressing and inspiring, since actually writing for the site hasn't done the same for me, though I wouldn't want it to, either. Jenniferhdaniel said that if I write an essay commenting on the commenters, I would be the lamest of the lame-os. Harsh. Well, how lame would I be if I wrote about the comment reading experience?

Who Are You People, and Why Are You So Mad?

Rebecca · 03/18/08 02:07PM

This post is about comments. Consider that your invitation to tell me I have it all wrong. To be honest, I don't know that much about the commenting scene. I'm not above making anonymous judgments or being bored at work, I just never understand the motivation of blog commenters. Is it winning a commie? Being quoted in the New York Times public editor's column? I get that being anonymous makes people more free to revert to their Lord of The Flies side, but why is everyone always so rude? And is that rudeness destroying society?

Choire · 10/12/07 12:00PM

Last night labor leader Randi Weingarten, head of the United Federation of Teachers, was all, "Dude I've always been a lesbian, I've never hidden who I am." Right, except she's never once talked about it and it's never been written about before. Jodie Foster was more out than Randi Weingarten! [NYO]