
Happy Birthday

cityfile · 09/03/09 06:57AM

New Yorker staff writer and best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell turns 46 today. Writer/director Noah Baumbach is turning 40. Charlie Sheen is 44. Former Bear Stearns chairman Ace Greenberg is 82. Novelist Kiran Desai turns 38. Veteran book editor Gary Fisketjon is turning 55. Big-time commercial director Bryan Buckley turns 46. Entertainment exec Garth Ancier is turning 52. Olympic snowboarder Shaun White is 23. Michael Huffington, the former Republican congressman and ex-husband of Arianna, is turning 62. And Adam Curry, the former MTV VJ and now a podcaster, turns 45 today.

Happy Birthday

cityfile · 09/03/08 06:10AM

Malcolm Gladwell, author of The Tipping Point and Blink and staff writer at The New Yorker, turns 45 today. Others celebrating: Novelist Kiran Desai is 37, famed editor Gary Fisketjon is 54, and advertising guru Bryan Buckley is 45. Writer/director Noah Baumbach is 39. Charlie Sheen is turning 45. Former VJ and now Web personality Adam Curry is 44. And Arianna Huffington's right-wing ex-husband, Michael Huffington, is 61 today.

"He's got this big thing in Berlin which looks like the, you know, something Hitler would put together"

Paul Boutin · 08/04/08 03:40PM

A moment of pity for professional blowhard John C. Dvorak. The guy had built an enviable career out of baiting Apple evangelists. Now that Apple pisses off its own customers, Dvorak needs to look elsewhere for someone to offend. His first target: The Obamatards who pack the Bay Area, stumping for Barack as fervently as they once did for Steve Jobs. By loosely comparing Obama's Berlin campaign event to Hitler's Nuremberg Rallies, Dvorak has proven it possible to break Godwin's Law, the no-Hitler rule of the Internet. Check out this audio clip from a podcast with Adam Curry [MP3]. Dvorak breaks through the Hitler barrier and keeps on going as bravely as Chuck Yeager cracking the speed of sound. It's impressive, but only until you realize a thousand talk radio hosts have been doing it all day for years. (Photo by AP/Jens Meyer)

Behind American Morning's Very Wrong Music Intros

Ryan Tate · 07/30/08 11:58PM

CNN's American Morning has a thing for cheesy rock-and-roll intros, and the Daily Show tonight showcased the most embarrassing among them, including Scorpion's "Rock You Like A Hurricane" for a story on Tropical Storm Bertha or "Changes" by David Bowie for everything from credit cards to reform in China. But the best part comes at the end, when host Jon Stewart reveals how American Morning host John Roberts, once considered heir apparent to Dan Rather at the CBS Evening News, learned to pair pop hits with headlines. Hint: Think Adam Curry. Click the icon for video. UPDATE:

Adam Curry's PodShow changing its name?

Jackson West · 04/15/08 02:40PM

Former MTV Web jockey Adam Curry's PodShow podcasting network is being renamed — to Mevio. At least that's what it looks like from this domain listing forwarded by a tipster. While podcasting was the hot new thing back in 2005, the luster has worn off. It's easy for producers to publish, but not so convenient for consumers. In the time it takes to find an interesting podcast, subscribe, and hook up your iPod, you could have watched five YouTube videos. Best thing that could possibly happen? Other "Pod-" named companies might get the hint and rename themselves as well.

PodShow said to lay off 20 out of 60-plus employees

Owen Thomas · 03/14/08 01:20PM

PodShow, the San Francisco-based online-video network best known for launching the career of CNET's Natali Del Conte, is laying off about 20 employees, or as much as 30 percent of its staff. "There are no secrets, only information you don't yet have," is the slogan for former MTV VJ Adam Curry's podcast. Curry, a PodShow cofounder, didn't show up to deliver information about the firings; we're told he left that to middle managers.

PodTech escapees have lunch with the VJ

Owen Thomas · 09/08/07 02:10PM

San Francisco videographers Irina Slutsky and Eddie Codel have broken ties, we hear, with troubled online-video network PodTech. So what were they doing lunching earlier in the week with PodShow executives Adam Curry, the former MTV video jockey, and John Dvorak, the faux-grouchy tech columnist? The foursome were spotted eating al fresco at a restaurant near AT&T Park. We'd make jokes about the frying pan and the fire, but from the looks of Codel in this photo snapped by a Valleywag informant, he's just happy to be eating a hot meal. Eddie, baby, call us up. Next lunch is on us.

Another reason to hate Podshow

Tim Faulkner · 05/29/07 03:44PM

TIM FAULKNER — John C. Dvorak has been named VP & Managing Editor of PodShow TECH, the technology channel of the podcasting network created by Adam Curry and Ron Bloom. The curmudgeonly and possibly eternal techno-journalist also will host his own podcast dubbed Tech5.

New concepts in podcasting: Paychecks

dtweney · 01/26/07 12:32PM

Former MTV VJ Adam Curry has pulled down some serious money for his podcast network, PodShow. And he's spending the dough on talent: 500 podcasters are receiving "upfront money" to produce audio and video for the network, Curry said earlier this week on Leo LaPorte's podcast, This Week in Tech. "Upfront money" is apparently Curry's term for "paycheck," a novel concept in the notoriously unprofitable world of podcasting. Curry's hires include former TechCrunch reporter and Cranky Geeks commentator Natali del Conte. Natali's video show, called Tech Check, will start in a few weeks. Because what the world really needs is another female tech commentator known for her looks. An all-star Natali del Conte photo gallery, after the jump.

Remainders: One saucy Curry

Nick Douglas · 07/22/06 08:52PM
  • The Inquirer likes the idea that AOL's Jason Calacanis was handed Netscape by someone seeking his failure. But everyone knows Calacanis will fail spectacularly, which is the Dogbert-endorsed fast track to success. [Inquirer]

Remainders: Sony exec Phil Harrison is kind of a bitch

Nick Douglas · 07/13/06 09:04PM
  • As soon as an AOL Joystiq blogger turns off the tape in a normal little interview, Sony exec Phil Harrison (pictured) sneers, "Well those were positive questions." So he's trying to prove Sony's not arrogant — it's just a little bitchy. [Joystiq]

Is Adam Curry stiffing the Netherlands?

ndouglas · 04/21/06 09:00AM

Fact check? Oh hell, who fact checks a story this juicy? Trust this rumor from a reader as much as you'd trust a hooker with a promise ring.

Reactions to Valleywag: Aw, shucks.

ndouglas · 04/12/06 12:16PM
  • BusinessWeek profiled little old me. Note: The Compaq Evo is being replaced by a refurbed Powerbook with working speakers. Continue sending loud and obnoxious videos. [BusinessWeek]