Tufts University Asks Applicants: “What does #YOLO mean to you?"
Caity Weaver · 07/11/13 05:38PM
Tufts University, a former clown college that rose through the ranks to become one of America's most prestigious safety schools, likes to have fun on its applications. For years, it's been asking prospective students to submit quirky YouTube videos demonstrating how their quirky YouTube videos are better than other applicants' quirky YouTube videos. In 2010, it invited applicants to "create something" out of a sheet of paper. It's fun in the way your old job made you wear a sombrero on your birthday "because we like to have fun here!" It's just really, really fun.
Being a White Girl No Longer the Great “Hook” It Once Was
Caity Weaver · 04/05/12 08:43PMNow You Only Need to Write a Blog Post to Get Into College
John Cook · 10/28/11 12:02PMGoals for Colleges: Admit More Rich Kids, Help Fewer Poor Kids
Lauri Apple · 09/21/11 09:11AMDesperate Pee Song Fails to Get Girl Into Harvard
Maureen O'Connor · 07/14/11 02:39PMThe hard-hearted dream-destroyers of Harvard's admissions office have spoken: Grace Oberhofer, the Washington teen who became a viral star begging to get off Harvard's waitlist, did not get into Harvard. Instead she will go to Tufts, where she will spend the next four years deflecting "safety school" jokes. [FlyByBlog, IvyGate]
JFK's Harvard and Princeton Applications Are Identical
Maureen O'Connor · 01/21/11 06:06PMAustralia's Next Top Model Host Admits She Just Guessed Who the Winner Was
Maureen O'Connor · 09/29/10 05:32PMFormer Bush Campaign Manager, RNC Chair Ken Mehlman Finally Admits He's Gay
Jim Newell · 08/25/10 05:43PMYale: The Musical!
Richard Lawson · 01/19/10 10:40AMSanford Confesses to Argentinian Affair
John Cook · 06/24/09 01:32PMAlec Baldwin Also Not a Fan of Dane Cook's Vagina-Like Face
Kyle Buchanan · 10/10/08 02:35PM
Back in August, comedian Dane Cook assailed the marketing job for his upcoming movie My Best Friend's Girl, claiming that it was the "best / funniest film" he'd ever made but that its quality was overshadowed by a photoshopped poster that left his face looking like "Brittany Spears' [sic] vagina." Then, the film actually came out, and critics treated Cook's vulva-tastic mug like it was the least of the rom-com's problems. Now, co-star Alec Baldwin is leaping into the fray, admitting on his official website that he'd rather watch My Name is Earl than have to sit through My Best Friend's Girl again:
Choire · 12/14/07 09:59AM
Choire · 10/12/07 04:37PM

Meet Michele A. Hernandez, a former admissions officer at Dartmouth who is now the most expensive college coach in the country. "Few of the 4,000 independent college counselors now scattered around the country can match Hernandez' influence or earning power. Early on, she began offering college-admissions counseling for students in eighth grade—yes, eighth grade—an approach that is becoming more common. Since 2005, she has run application boot camps in Manhattan and Santa Monica, Calif., which this summer cost $9,500 and are sure to attract imitators. Hernandez says she earned almost $1 million last year." [BusinessWeek]