
Alltel runs clumsiest (but funniest) ad campaign ever

Nick Douglas · 08/03/06 03:48PM

The average blog addict must ignore over a thousand ads a day, especially ads in the canned style of the Blogads network. So on the one hand, it's impressive that the Alltel phone company earned the Wall Street Journal's attention with an easily missable string of ads.

Yahoo still rocks at advertising

Nick Douglas · 07/31/06 06:52PM

Redesigning a front page is a risky venture, especially for a general-interest site — for instance, Netscape dealt with whiny users when its front page switched from top-down news to a community format. But Yahoo pulled off its front-page reworking with aplomb. Now, we don't want to credit all of Yahoo's success to its snappy "My Yahoo is changing" commercials, but if the average Yahoo user is as shallow as we are, then spots like the one below are what won them over.

Hewlett-Packard praised for lying

Nick Douglas · 07/25/06 02:32PM

Hewlett-Packard's new ad campaign proves that viral's just another word for nothing left to trust. The computer maker scored a New York Times piece about its viral site, FingerSkilz, in which an actor does soccer tricks with his fingers. What first looked like a personal video blog turned out to be a corporate project with highly computer-enhanced stunts.

BoomYEAH, bitch!

Nick Douglas · 07/19/06 07:03PM

"Text? Text is for your granddad! Everyone's kickin' it at BoomYEAH! We rock out in hot spots like SALT LAKE CITY! We look like Netflix! We are making WEB 3D! It's on your time! It's statistical! The revolution has begun! BOOMYEAH BABY!"