
Advertiser Fun Time

mark · 09/02/05 01:31PM

Join us in our weekly celebration of our sponsors, a magnificent collection of fine businesses. For more info about advertising on Defamer, see this page.

Advertiser Watersports And Survey/Contest

mark · 08/26/05 02:22PM

We pause once again, as we are wont to do at about this time on Friday afternoon, to join in a hearty "Huzzah!" in support of this week's sponsors. They're the peachiest bee's knees a girl could ever want to take to the sock hop! If you'd like to advertise on Defamer and tantalize and enthrall the universe's sexiest consumers, see this page

Advertiser Casting Couch Grope

mark · 08/19/05 02:40PM

Put down that sandwich for a second and join us in thanking this week's sponsors, whom we're reasonably certain would never send us cease-and-desist letters. We loves them! If you'd like to advertise on Defamer and get started on your way to buying that third 50-foot-yacht, see this page.

Advertiser High-Five And Sponsor Contest

mark · 08/12/05 02:58PM

Now is the time when we take a break from the nonstop celeb-baiting action to offer thanks to our advertisers, without whom we wouldn't be able to have exciting, exciting giveaways like the one below. If you'd like to advertise on Defamer and reach the kinds of consumers whose love for spending money on your product or service is second only to their love of adorable kittens, see this page.

Advertiser NSA Encounter

mark · 07/22/05 02:09PM

We'd like to pause and thank this week's sponsors, who make the magic of discussing Colin Farrell's videotaped sexual exploits in blog form a reality. If you'd like to advertise on Defamer and seduce the world's sexiest conspicuous consumers, see this page.