
Rachel Uchitel, This Is Your Future

Hamilton Nolan · 12/01/09 12:27PM

Rachel Uchitel is a mess. Her reputation, that is! Her hair's fine. But the Tiger Woods Affair allegations are everywhere. As are other salacious rumors. And pictures. You're not handling it well, Rachel. We're here to help you take control.

The Bizarro World of Thanksgiving

cityfile · 11/25/09 12:30PM

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and the spending-time-with-family anxiety has likely already set in. What better way to take your mind off of the impending holiday drama—you know, Grandma pre-gaming at 9am with a handle of scotch, Uncle Bob's off-color jokes—than by looking into all the crazy Thanksgiving accoutrements you can pick up this Turkey Day? A few favorites after the jump.

How to Deal With Teens

Hamilton Nolan · 11/24/09 03:45PM

"A 13-year-old girl won't interact with her long-distance father, and she even called him 'gay' for caring. What's a dad to do?" Point out that she's the gay one, and she looks like a slut. Kids' respect is earned. [WaPo]

We Must Save The New York Post

Hamilton Nolan · 11/09/09 10:16AM

After an all-too-brief period as King of the Tabloids, the New York Post's circulation is cratering. Could the "Scurrilous Money-Losing Yellow Tabloid Propped Up By a Rich Foreign Patron" formula be on the wane? Everyone must pitch in to help!

Brooklyn Writers: Hide

Hamilton Nolan · 11/02/09 10:23AM

Authors: never get conned by a friendly reporter into doing one of those "Let's Explore This Famous Writers' Work Space" stories. Your cool office is only cool in secret. We mean you, Jonathan Lethem!

There Are No Noisy Clubs in Scarsdale

cityfile · 09/25/09 01:16PM

The Jane Hotel's "Ballroom" hasn't exactly been a welcome addition to the neighborhood since it opened a couple of months ago. Local residents have waged war on the hotspot, filing grievances with the city about excessive taxicab traffic, sidewalk smokers, and "noisy nightclub" music. And the hotel owners are fighting back. A New York Times story about the tiff set to run on the cover of the paper's real estate section this weekend was pulled when one of the co-owners, Richard Born, reportedly called editors at the paper and claimed it wasn't totally objective. Naturally, the writer—a blogger and freelance writer for the Timesposted the story to her blog regardless. And now, the gloves are off.

All Ashley Dupre Needs Is a Good Man

cityfile · 09/14/09 02:58PM

Ashley Dupre is ready for redemption! It's been a year and a half since she became the girl who took down luv gov Eliot Spitzer, and now she tells the Post she's looking forward to love, marriage, and becoming a baby mama. But let's face it: the girl hasn't always been so lucky with men. (In fairness to her, meeting an upstanding guy when you're in the escort business has got to be tough.) But since she's starting over with a clean slate these days, we thought she should start off with a fresh start romantically, too. Herewith, a list of potential suitors for the escort-turned-budding-singer.