
Afrika, a game where you can't shoot the animals

Paul Boutin · 08/28/08 02:00PM

Executives at Sony are forecasting 100,000 sales for this week's release of Afrika, a game where you play photojournalist and shoot photos instead of bad guys. It's a major departure from exploratory games of the Myst genre, or the build-your-own landscape of Second Life. Afrika's premise is that the high-definition animals will be so much fun to watch that you won't be bored out of your mind. What I want to know: How long until the furries hack their way into the scenery?

American Apparel For Afrikans

Hamilton Nolan · 08/19/08 03:58PM

You thought that all American Apparel clothing was inspired by Dov Charney's endless parade of sexual fantasies? Not true. Some of it is inspired by Africa! Or as Bambaataa and fey hipsters spell it, Afrika. Is it bad that the company doesn't use any black models for these products? It might be worse if they did use black models, actually. Check out more of this season's most authentic adornments for those in the struggle, after the jump. Real hipsters still have their Cross Colours from '92: