
Chilean Miners Unemployed and Depressed, Like the Rest of Us

Seth Abramovitch · 10/12/11 02:57AM

The NY Times has a follow-up on the 33 rescued Chilean miners, most of whom are unable to find jobs and find themselves poorer than a year ago, when their 69-day ordeal began. The sponsored trips to Israel, the U.K. and Disney World have all but dried up. What's left is a group of men suffering from severe post-traumatic stress disorder.

Not $5,000 Per Hour, More Like $750

Nick Denton · 03/25/08 03:25PM

It's so annoying when inaccurate figures are repeated so often that they become settled data points. A case in point: it's now widely assumed that Eliot Spitzer, the whoremongering Governor of New York, paid $4,300 or even $5,000 for an hour of an escort's time. Wrong! Spitzer did indeed pay $4,300, and he applied a pre-existing credit of some $400, according to the FBI affidavit, making for a total expense of $4,700; but $200 of that was a tip, and $1,500 was on account. So the cost of an individual session with "Kristen"-the girl Spitzer saw in February-was $3,000. Given that the Governor was entitled to four hours, that works out at a more modest $750 per hour-not quite the extravagance that has so colored Spitzer's reputation, and prompted such manufactured shock in the media.