
Horny Duo Caught Having Daytime Sidewalk Sex in Front of Prom Dress Shop

Jay Hathaway · 02/17/15 01:47PM

They didn't know each other's names, but on a sunny sidewalk in front of a prom-dress shop in Chula Vista, Calif., they knew each other's bodies. A man in a yellow hoodie and a woman in nothing but sensible shoes and a skirt were cited for public indecency on Friday after a witness recorded their afternoon fuck sesh and called the police.

Tales From the B List

Richard Lawson · 03/26/08 05:05PM

Two Crazy Days and Nights blind items this afternoon, both about sad old B list actors who snort and smoke drugs and sweat and threaten to ruin what's left of their careers. Sigh. The first one is a "comic B list actor with a very famous marriage and divorce was so coked out at a party over the weekend that he never stayed in one spot longer than 30 seconds. By the end of the night he was drenched in sweat and had gone through his entire stash." Tim Allen? Second druggie story after the jump.