
The Sun is Rising on Our Twilight Years: Old Women Are So Hot Right Now

Dayna Evans · 02/13/15 10:50AM

Perhaps you've had occasion to browse a newsstand recently (why) and you've noticed something odd. Take that first "d" and replace it with an "l" and you're well on your way to understanding a thrilling new trend in photos of notable women. No, that isn't softskinned Kentucky beauty queen Jennifer Lawrence on the cover of the latest issue of What's the Deal, Ladies magazine. Nor do those tap shoes with a Pilgrim buckle sit on the ankles of the nubile Scarlett Johansson as she poses like Venus on the Babes For Real bi-monthly. That woman you see, well, she is a woman of a certain age.

Kim Kardashian Physically Incapable of Writing Age on Divorce Papers

Maureen O'Connor · 11/01/11 02:09PM

As the world beats its collective breasts over Kim Kardashian's divorce, here's another hypothesis on why she would marry and leave a man so quickly: Kim always said she thought she'd be married with children by age 30. With her 31st birthday in late October, her (lucrative) life narrative required that she tie the knot.

The Scathing Takedown Rules

Hamilton Nolan · 09/01/11 10:56AM

Sometimes—as freedom fighters from George Washington to Che Guevara would affirm—the words and deeds of a person become so intolerable the it becomes necessary to write a scathing takedown of them, on the internet. This is our world.

Child Bride Courtney Stodden and Creepy Old Husband Give Weirdest Interview Yet

Maureen O'Connor · 07/21/11 01:02PM

Every time we try to look away from 51-year-old Lost actor Doug Hutchison and 16-year-old country singer Courtney Stodden, their freakshow antics suck us back in. In a new E! interview, they pass a Yorkie back and forth, rubbing noses and giggling about Courtney losing her virginity. "He's a tiger," Courtney teases, moving in for a hug. "You're so bad," Doug replies, burying his face in her chest.

Ann Coulter Dodging Questions About Her Age: Strangely Thrilling

Maureen O'Connor · 06/09/11 01:43PM

Watching Ann Coulter antagonize black people and 9/11 widows is, at this point, pretty boring. Watching Ann Coulter answer questions about her age, though? Strangely thrilling. Here's Piers Morgan quizzing the razor-boned pipe cleaner about the time she dropped two years from her age.

Hideously Unhealthy Americans Living Longer Than Ever

Maureen O'Connor · 03/16/11 02:51PM

Despite being a nation of hideously unhealthy McDonald's addicts who binge drink, text message while driving, and hold Charlie Sheen in high esteem, U.S. life expectancy has reached another all-time high. Babies born in 2009 can expect to live 78 years and 2 months. Go team!

Jane Fonda Workin' It Out at 72

Richard Lawson · 09/13/10 11:25AM

Vietnamese patriot Hanoi Jane Fonda was once the workout video queen of the 1980s. And now she's back! The two-time Oscar-winner is releasing a new video aimed at people in their golden years. Definitely better than Georgia Rule 2.

The Dark Knight is Too Violent for Wussy Brit Youths

ian spiegelman · 08/03/08 04:21PM

Our American kids love violence, especially when it comes in movie form. And the awesome violence of the PG-13 rated mega-super-ultra-blockbuster The Dark Knight is maybe the best movie violence ever! Loving, American parents appreciate that. But a wicked plot to deprive the little lads and lasses of funny little England of the magic of violence is underway. "The age rating given in Britain to the U.S. blockbuster movie "The Dark Knight" is inaccurate given its violence, a growing number of complaints contend. In addition to 70 complaints delivered to the British Board of Film Classification regarding the newest Batman film, Member of Parliament Keith Vaz criticized the government board for allowing young children to see it."

Is Ashley Dupre 32?

Pareene · 03/13/08 06:32PM

New York reports that "two separate public identification records reveal that the only Ashley Youmans (the real name of "Kristen," a.k.a Ashley Alexandra Dupré) from the Jersey Shore (or anywhere in New Jersey) is actually 32." As we briefly mentioned earlier, we got an email yesterday that said, without supporting evidence, that "Ashley is 32 not 22." One of the reasons we didn't alert everyone to this fact was that all her old high school classmates quoted in the Daily News and the Post were between 22 and 23. Was she held back ten years or does everyone in Jersey lie about their age? Also, her mom made a point of saying Dupre wasn't 32 (or 42). Is that suspicious? It is a mystery! [NYM]